In addition to business acumen, technical knowledge, and functional skills emotional agility is a critical skill to be embraced in the organization for business success. Organizations are built with robust infra, the latest technological tools for high pace performance, and multiple intelligences of people, besides training the executives on functional and operational skills it is equally important to build their skills on emotional well-being and practice mindfulness to perform with a peaceful mind and a happy heart. Amid the complexities along with being ambitious and upgraded knowledge of the industry the wisdom of managing the emotions and feelings is essential for the workforce to perform accurately, approach the stakeholders assertively and foster team integration for a successful business. 

Emotional Agility and Mindfulness At Workplace is a seismic program that encourages the individual to alleviate stress, practice open communication express their viewpoints, reduce the scope of errors become more creative and innovative in solving problems, manage their behaviours thoughts, and feelings towards their co-workers, this boosts the productivity. We offer psychologically proven tools and practicable techniques from neuroscience theories to develop emotional flexibility empathy and altruism in both professional and personal space. 

Highlights of the program


Professional Certification for Trainers & Coaches

Instructional Designing

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner

Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner Program

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practioner Course

Certified NLP & Clinical Hypnosis Consultant

Professional Certification for Trainers & Coaches

Instructional Designing

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner

Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner Program

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practioner Course

Certified NLP & Clinical Hypnosis Consultant